Desde o início da campanha de informação do Dr. Rath em 21 de Janeiro de 2021, para informar os chefes de estado dos principais países sobre o papel estratégico dos micronutrientes na luta contra a pandemia do coronavírus, ocorreram em todo o mundo desenvolvimentos que antes eram em grande parte impensáveis.

Não estamos a sugerir que exista uma ligação causal entre a informação transmitida aos líderes políticos e os acontecimentos documentados abaixo. Existe, no entanto, uma óbvia ligação temporal. Perante a explosão de numerosas mutações do coronavírus no início do ano, o mundo susteve a respiração. Quase todos os países tinham anunciado aos seus cidadãos extensões do bloqueio e mais restrições às liberdades civis, que se esperava que durassem para além da Páscoa e até ao início do Verão.

Dados estes factos, os eventos documentados abaixo dificilmente podem ser explicados como algo que não seja uma reacção às declarações centrais do Dr. Rath:

  • As vacinas já não são a única protecção contra o coronavírus.
  • Os políticos que continuam a fazer tais reivindicações infundadas correm o risco de serem responsabilizados, tanto jurídica como economicamente.

A partir de agora, o mundo político está dividido em duas facções:

  • Por um lado, haverá a “facção do capacete de aço”- políticos de países exportadores de produtos farmacêuticos que estão conduzindo seu próprio povo de um confinamento para o outro com o objetivo de assustar os cidadãos de outras nações e fazê-los aceitar a vacina global apenas estratégia pandêmica desses países exportadores de produtos farmacêuticos.
  • Por outro lado, haverá os políticos que se preocupam principalmente com o bem-estar físico, económico e social do seu povo. Estas “vozes da razão” devem ser encorajadas pela seguinte documentação..


First lockdowns of Australian cities are lifted in Perth.



The Indian authorities rejected the approval of the Pfizer/Biontech vaccine because the companies could not provide sufficient data showing the efficacy and safety of their vaccine. The reasons for the complete withdrawal of Pfizer’s emergency application in India remain unclear – but could be related to the fact that the Indian government required an additional study in the country – with all aspects of the trial under public scrutiny



The government of the pharmaceutical export country Germany is apparently having elderly and often helpless people “forcibly vaccinated” – by the military. That this “forced vaccination” is apparently planned nationwide – i.e. everywhere in Germany – can already be measured by the fact that the number of “vaccination soldiers” was increased by almost 40% at the end of January, from 18,000 to 25,000. Now the first generals have the courage to stand up against these “pharmaceutical war games in the old people’s home”. Bundeswehr Lieutenant General Martin Schelleis publicly demands an end to this madness


And two weeks after the start of our information campaign about natural alternatives to vaccination, the numbers of new infections in Germany also dropped – all of a sudden. The beginning discussion about these alternatives to the marketing of vaccines apparently also had an effect on those responsible for publishing the official statistics figures.


After more than a year of making a name for himself as a whip for ever new restrictions, Health Minister Spahn made a U-turn. Now, to everyone’s surprise, he called for “an early end to the hard lockdown”. The question is justified: What new insights have guided Jens Spahn in this about-face?


Through a round of talks with experts, a reopening of schools and shops may be imminent.


Ic Doctors suddenly pursue more lenient policies around corona measures:


Shops in Poland reopen. (video)


England is unlikely to return to a localised tier system of restrictions as Covid infections and hospital admissions slow:


In the Netherlands primary schools and childcare will be reopened from 8 February after a closure of almost two months:


The Italian prime minister said he might begin to loosens some measures by the end of this month:


After claiming that vaccination is the only way to stop the pandemic, after driving millions of people into getting vaccinated to protect themselves from getting infected with the coronavirus, the head of the German Robert Koch Institute (the German CDC) admitted that “there is no evidence that getting a vaccination prevents people from getting infected”:


California too, is able to even lift major lockdown measures all of the sudden.


After considering for several months to postpone the Tokyo Olympics for yet another year, within one week of our campaign the governments and national Olympic committees agreed to hold the games this summer:


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe – the international body to which the European Court of Human Rights belongs – has adopted a resolution stating that vaccines should not be compulsory and that no one should be discriminated against because they have not been vaccinated.


After telling the people in the U.S. that the worst is yet to come for more than half a year, suddenly, within a few days, the U.S. government is able to announce the “return to normal life”.


California too, is able to even lift major lockdown measures all of the sudden.